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Liver dearer but mixed trends in other offals

13 August 2015

Egypt has continued to grow as a major market for Australian beef liver, with 2014-15 shipments increasing fourfold year-on-year, to just over 9,000 tonnes swt. In fact, the strength of Egyptian demand has pulled product away from Australia’s other traditional market, South Africa, which received about 11,500 tonnes swt last financial year. The additional competition in the market has supported prices, with Halal liver averaging $1.88/kg in July, up 76% year-on-year and commanding a 67¢/kg premium over non-Halal product.

Other beef offal items did not trend dearer over July. Product traditionally destined for the Japanese market was stemmed by Australia quickly filling its allotted September quarter edible beef offal quota, of 4,350 tonnes swt, with product outside the quota subsequently imported under a higher tariff rate. Rumen pillars, in particular, eased in July, with 500-700g product averaging $3.65/kg over the month, back 34% year-on-year.

Most sheep offal prices were steady month-on-month but remained below year ago levels. Sheep kidneys recorded some improvement, averaging $3.10/kg (Halal) in July, after declining to a market low of around $2.30/kg late last year. Sheep liver prices also improved, averaging $1.67/kg (Halal) over the month, up 85% year-on-year.

For the further details on all offal and other co-product prices and trends, please click here.