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Live-ex prices up on strong demand from South-East Asia

25 June 2015

On the back of strong demand from South-East Asia, Australia exported just over 435,000 head of live cattle for the year-to-April period, up 4% year-on-year and the highest number on record for the period (ABS). Indonesia continued to be the largest market, taking 51% of shipments, while Vietnam received 28% of exports.

Over the January to April period, the majority of cattle were exported through Darwin (173,000 head) and Townsville (125,000 head), while Broome reopened from seasonal closure in April, exporting its first shipments for 2015, of just over 17,000 head during the month (13,700 head to Indonesia and 3,700 head to Vietnam).

While most live-export cattle prices are back from where they started in 2015, strong demand from South-East Asia has supported returns to producers in northern Australia. Destined for Indonesia, light steers out of Darwin made 250-255¢/kg in June, up 36% year-on-year, while similar cattle out of Townsville made 220¢/kg lwt, up about 35% on the same period last year. Quotes out of Broome for light steers are at 260¢/kg lwt, up 30% year-on-year (Landmark).