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In focus: Central West NSW and Northern Victoria

15 October 2015

Central West NSW cattle supplies declined in September, compared to the same time last year, following the large numbers that were consigned in earlier months, across most NLRS reported saleyards. However, throughput has since increased in October to be similar to year-ago levels, while supplies remain slightly higher in selling centres in the north of the state. Sheep throughput has lifted over recent weeks as a result of the drier spring.

The hot and dry weather across NSW and Victoria has had some effect on the number of restocking weaners and lambs coming through the saleyards, with some producers concerned about having enough feed to carry stock through the forecast drier months ahead. Surface water in dams also remains a concern, with reports of shortages in western Victoria, NSW and the Gippsland area.

Good numbers of western bred cattle are still being consigned at Dubbo saleyards, with prime cattle well supplied. Quality is starting to slip in the central west and southern NSW saleyards, although is still reasonable across the northern Victorian centres. Feedlots have been very active on all weights and grades over the past month.

Lambs in the north of NSW are starting to show dryness in the skin and there is a small but growing number of shorn lambs consigned each week. Ballarat and Bendigo are still in their new season lamb run and there has been an increase in store lamb numbers compared to this time last year. In south west Victoria, however, there are still a few weeks to go before the new season lamb flush hits.