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How do regional fodder prices compare year-on-year?

19 August 2015

While fodder prices, as reported by the Australian Fodder Industry Association (AFIA) on behalf of Dairy Australia, have remained relatively steady across most categories in the past couple of months, there have been some considerable movements when comparing August averages to the same time last year.

This could have a considerable bearing on stocking and rebuilding rates this spring and summer, particularly if forecasts for dry weather come to fruition.

In Central West NSW:

  • Cereal fodder prices were back 14% year-on-year, averaging $270/tonne in August
  • Lucerne eased 1%, at $370/tonne
  • Straw prices were 25% dearer, at $150/tonne

In the Darling Downs, Queensland:

  • Cereal fodder prices were 14% lower, averaging $365/tonne
  • Lucerne increased 9%, to $475/tonne
  • Pasture averaged $290/tonne – up 66% year-on-year
  • Straw prices declined 24%, to $180/tonne

In the Goulburn Valley, Victoria:

  • Cereal fodder prices were 25% dearer than year-ago levels, at $235/tonne
  • Lucerne increased 12%, to $335/tonne
  • Pasture prices eased 1% year-on-year, to $165/tonne
  • Straw prices were unchanged, at $100/tonne

In South East SA:

  • Cereal fodder prices surged 79% on last year, to $250/tonne
  • Lucerne gained 17%, averaging $325/tonne
  • Pasture prices were up 38%, to $200/tonne
  • Straw prices were 9% higher, at $120/tonne

In South West WA:

  • Cereal fodder prices climbed 17%, averaging $210/tonne in August
  • Lucerne declined 3% year-on-year, to $510/tonne
  • Pasture prices averaged $180/tonne
  • Straw was steady, averaging $100/tonne