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Australian mutton exports continue to ease

05 August 2015

Australian mutton exports during July continued to decline on the back of tighter supplies, easing 14% year-on-year, to 8,576 tonnes swt. However, compared to the five-year monthly average, export volumes were still around 17% higher.


  • The Middle East remained the largest export market for Australian mutton, taking 2,978 tonnes swt – back 7% year-on-year
  • China also slowed in July, back 42% on 2014 volumes, to 1,461 tonnes swt
  • Demand from South East Asia remained strong, lifting 5% year-on-year, to 1,439 tonnes swt
  • Mutton exports to the US increased 36%, at 526 tonnes swt
  • Shipments to the EU in July almost doubled the same period last year, at 389 tonnes swt

Whole carcases accounted for 44% of all mutton exports in July, at 3,759 tonnes swt, while legs made up 16% (1,357 tonnes swt) of the total. Manufacturing and breast and flap rounded out the top four most popular cuts in July, with both accounting for 12% of the total.