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AuctionsPlus cattle numbers lift, sheep supplies ease

15 October 2015


Consignments lifted 2,165 head, to 10,743 head at the national online AuctionPlus sale last Friday (9 October). Driving the rise in numbers was the hot and dry weather, affecting saleyard supply as well.

  • Medium to heavy weight vealer steers ranged from 260¢ to 521¢, to average 348¢ for 1 score lines, while the 2 scores averaged 298¢/kg
  • Medium weight 3 score vealer heifers to restockers averaged 285¢, while those to slaughter settled on 293¢/kg
  • Wagyu replacement heifers sold to a top of $3,550/head
  • Medium weight yearling steers topped at 368.7¢, up 19¢/kg week-on-week.
  • Heavy weight 2 score yearling steers to restockers sold between 290¢ to 325¢/kg
  • Most 2 score yearling heifers to restockers eased in price to range from 260¢ to 307¢/kg.
  • Large lines of 2 score grown steers and heifers to live export ranged from 313¢ to 330¢/kg
  • Medium weight 2 score cows to restockers sold from 195¢ to 408¢, while those to slaughter averaged 195¢/kg
  • Heavy weight 3 score cows to restockers ranged between 299¢ to 366¢/kg

Sheep and lambs

Supplies at the national online AuctionsPlus sheep and lamb sale on Tuesday (13 October) eased 4,517 head, to 54,277 head. The recent drop in lamb prices saw some vendors shy away, despite seasonal conditions turning.

  • Crossbred lambs sold from $73 to $101.50/head, with the top prices for 3 score mixed-sex medium frame lambs from Hallet, in SA.
  • Crossbred ewes sold to a top of $180.50/head, for large 3 score NSM one and two year olds.
  • Crossbred ewes and lambs sold from $165 to $194.50/head, with the top prices for lambs out of Conargo with Border Leicester lambs at foot.
  • Crossbred wether lambs sold from $82 to $93/head
  • Merino ewes sold to $160/head, for Kelvale blood NSM Merino ewes
  • Merino ewes and lambs sold from $71.50 to $73.50/head.
  • Merino wether lambs, Glenowie blood out of Kapunda, sold to $94/head.

For the full AuctionsPlus cattle report please click here

For the full AuctionsPlus sheep and lamb report please click here