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EDGEnetwork (EDGE) provides 1–3 day practical workshops for the red meat industry in business management, breeding, grazing land management, ruminant nutrition and carbon.

By participating in an EDGE workshop you will:

  • have access to expert deliverers and the latest R&D
  • gain knowledge and skills to enhance your business and livestock management
  • identify areas to influence your profitability, sustainability and productivity.

EDGE workshops are developed and delivered by industry specialists and tested by producers to guarantee their quality and relevance.

Find EDGE courses near you

EDGE courses are run across various locations.

Business EDGE and Carbon EDGE are run Australia-wide.

Breeding EDGE, Nutrition EDGE, GLM EDGE are run in Queensland, NT and WA. Grazing Fundamentals is run in Queensland, NT, WA and SA.

To find the next EDGE course in your area, visit MLA’s events calendar.


If you can’t find an event near you, please register an Expression of Interest and we will pass on your details to the nearest workshop deliverer.