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What you’ve missed, Ewe-niquely Genetics

05 June 2024

Episode Two – Sheep genetics is born

We continue to look back into the history of Sheep genetics in episode two. Joined by special guest Alex Ball, who was the LAMBPLAN Development Officer and then Manager of Sheep Genetics during those early years of Sheep Genetics. Alex saw the implementation of some of the changes that occurred fairly early on that has had a lasting impact on the evaluation.  

Listen to episode two here

Episode Three – Behind the scenes

The third episode gives us an exciting insight into two of the major and consistent pieces of work that sit behind the Sheep Genetics analysis and drives progress. These are reference populations and analysis enhancements. Joined by special Guest Peta Bradely, Manager of Sheep Genetics this episode will give you an understanding of the importance, complexity, successes and inform and celebrate some of the amazing advancements and progress industry has seen in recent years from reference population and analysis enhancements.

Listen now on Spotify!

Ewe-niquely Genetics, a podcast by Sheep Genetics