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Support for goatmeat brand owners

25 August 2020

Are you an MLA member, red meat exporter or processor who undertakes marketing activities for your goat brand?

If the answer is yes, your company may be eligible to apply for MLA’s Collaborative Marketing Program (CoMarketing Program), where MLA contributes funding towards your eligible marketing activities.

What is the CoMarketing Program?

The CoMarketing Program helps brand owners develop effective brand marketing strategies and supports a range of business development and brand building activities.

To find out more about the program and if you are eligible, watch this video about the program. 

Where to apply

Applications are to be made online via the MLA CoMarketing website at

While applications closed in early June 2020, MLA will waitlist new applicants for budget consideration later in the year.

How to complete the application

The ‘How to apply’ video on the home page provides a quick step by step guide of the application process. 

There are ‘how-to’ videos on each page of the portal to help you, as well as useful links which may be helpful to goatmeat brand owners who are new to marketing.