Summer Lamb 2022
09 January 2022

The highly anticipated Summer Lamb campaign launches this Monday, 10th January, showing Australia reuniting with the world almost two years of isolation from other nations.
MLA’s summer Lamb campaigns have built a strong legacy of highly topical advertising and thought provoking creative, which has generated widespread conversation and publicity for Australian Lamb. Summer is a key time for Australians to get together with friends and family over a meal or barbeque. For Lamb to capture this key sales occasion, it is imperative that the campaign not only creates talkability for the brand, but encourages purchases when shoppers are making their key protein choice across retail and food service environments.
Building on the ‘Share the Lamb’ brand platform, the 6-week integrated campaign reflects upon how Australia has become isolated from the rest of the world due to strict international border closures during the pandemic.
The long form advert follows a world explorer and their student apprentice protégé, as they rediscover that there is a whole world outside of ‘fortress Australia’. Inspired by the tantalising sight of Australian Lamb, the ultimate unifier, the duo cultivates a plan to get Australia back on the international map with the help of Lambassador, Sam Kekovich.
The TVC highlights how Australians are stronger and better when we come together. To ensure Lamb’s relevancy to consumers, the campaign also demonstrates the ease and versatility through various cuts, cooking methods and meal inspiration.
The campaign will launch with a live broadcast BBQ on Sunrise with Lambassador, Sam Kekovich. The advert will appear on national TV with placements during the Australian Open and the campaign will feature across path to purchase out-of-home (OOH), online video and social platforms.
To keep lamb top of mind and drive the purchase in store, the campaign will also connect with consumers with a presence in major retail environments including Coles, Woolworth’s, IGA, Costco, Drakes, ALDI and butcher stores. Product-focused digital screens, catalogue, magazines, digital assets and point of sale activity will deliver meal inspiration and drive purchase in store.
Food service partnerships with Seagrass Boutique Hospitality Group, Australian Venue Co. and Pegasus Leisure Group will showcase a delicious range of lamb dishes on menus to further drive sales. Additionally, Australian Lamb will host an event in January at 6 Head Restaurant (Seagrass Group) highlighting the best of Australian Lamb to key influencers and their networks to drive awareness. The January issue of Rare Medium Magazine and Rare Medium Academy will also feature Australian Lamb as a key focus.