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Six ways to tap into new myMSA features

01 October 2020

The refreshed myMSA website is now live, giving Meat Standards Australia (MSA)‑registered producers access to a range of new features to help improve compliance and eating quality performance.

Here are six ways producers can benefit from the new features.

1. It’s more user‑friendly

The new look myMSA makes it easier for producers to access and analyse carcase feedback. It’s mobile‑friendly so is accessible on mobile devices and tablets as well as desktop computers.

New features include:

  • an easier navigation with the left‑hand menu
  • help prompts on every page
  • a more sophisticated benchmarking page
  • easy‑to‑read feedback reports.

2. Better benchmarking

The updated myMSA benchmarking feature allows producers to quickly analyse how their cattle compare to other MSA‑graded cattle in terms of compliance and eating quality performance.

The tool gives producers the option to benchmark either their most recent cattle consignment or all cattle graded over a time period, on a national, state, or regional basis.

Producers can select carcase filters such as the use of hormonal growth promotants (HGPs), feed type (grass or grain), sex and ossification to compare cattle with cattle from similar production systems. The data will update in real time and show how your cattle compare on MSA Index, compliance and carcase attributes to all other cattle with the filters that have been applied.

Tip: Use this information to assess cattle performance compared to industry averages for MSA, to identify areas for improvement.

3. Easy access to MSA feedback reports

Producers can access MSA carcase feedback reports by logging in to the myMSA platform and selecting ‘Beef’ and then the ‘Reports’ option on the left‑hand menu bar.

All consignments processed under the MSA account number will be listed on the page by date, plant and number of head within the consignment.

Producers can select the ‘Reports’ button on the right‑hand side of the page to access – and download – carcase feedback, MSA non‑compliance, MSA graphs and company specification non‑compliance reports.

Producers can also select multiple consignments to see all their data across the selected time period. ‘Over time reports’ are available at the bottom of the page.

Producers can view reports in a list view, as well as by a calendar and filter view. Use the ‘View by Filter’ page to create reports by filtering on consignment details and carcase attributes.

Tip: When selecting a report to view, the report will open within a new tab, so it’s important to disable any web browser pop‑up blockers for the myMSA site.

4. Access the Opportunity Index

In the past, carcases which didn’t meet the MSA minimum specifications for pH (<5.71), rib fat (minimum 3mm) or adequate fat coverage, didn’t receive an MSA Index score.

The Opportunity Index now allows producers to see what the MSA Index would have been in non‑compliant carcases if they had met the minimum specifications.

5. Complete MSA Vendor Declarations online

MSA Vendor Declarations can be completed electronically by logging into myMSA or the LPA Service Centre ( using a PIC, LPA user ID and LPA password.

Within myMSA, after selecting ‘MSA Declaration Online’, producers will be redirected to the LPA Service Centre and prompted to select the forms to include as part of the consignment, including an option for MSA.

6. Order MSA Vendor Declaration books

Hard copy MSA Vendor Declaration books can be ordered online through myMSA – log in to and select ‘MSA Declarations & Order Items’ on the left‑hand menu bar – or by contacting MSA Enquiries on 1800 111 672.

As part of MLA’s Accelerated Adoption Initiative, there’s no cost for MSA Vendor Declaration books until 30 June 2021.

Tip: Producers consigning MSA eligible sheep aren’t required to complete an MSA Vendor Declaration, just include your four‑digit MSA number in Part A – Question 7 on the National Vendor Declaration (Sheep and Lambs).