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21 June 2021

MeatUp forums

Red meat producers can hear the latest regionally-relevant insights from research, development and adoption (RD&A) programs funded by MLA at MeatUp forums.

The one-day forums will be held on:

  • 23 June at Broken Hill, NSW
  • 25 June at Port Augusta, SA
  • 5 August at Perth, WA
  • 2 September at Dubbo, NSW.

MeatUp forums enable goatmeat, beef and sheepmeat producers to access practical, whole-of-business information and tools they can use on-farm to improve productivity and profitability.

MeatUp forums are free for red meat levy payers and $50 (excluding GST) for non-red meat levy payers.

Registration is essential for catering and COVID-19 management purposes. To register and for more information, visit

Going into goats workshop

A one-day Going into goats workshop was held on 30 May at ‘Glenmore’, Surat, Queensland, offering goat industry and management insights.

Goat industry speakers and topics included:

  • hosts, Greg and Katie Honor
  • Emily Litzow, MLA Project Manager – Sheep & Goat Productivity
  • Peter Schuster, Profitable Grazing Systems – going into goats
  • Dirranbandi producer Nic Perkins
  • Col Paton - EcoRich Grazing
  • Sarah Packer, TopX.

The event was a great success, attracting over 90 attendees who gained knowledge on the goat industry and market insights, producer experiences, goat nutrition, visual assessment of goats and forage budgeting.

The workshop was an introductory event for MLA’s newly released Goat Profitable Grazing Systems package, Getting goats to market: optimising rangeland goat production.

Profitable Grazing Systems (PGS) takes small groups of like-minded producers who want to improve their whole-farm performance and matches them with a deliverer who builds their knowledge, skills and experience through hands-on training.

This PGS package, Getting goats to market: optimising rangeland goat production, was developed to build the knowledge and skills of goatmeat producers, allowing them to effectively and efficiently grow and select goats to generate profit.

Through the package, producers are led through various activities that investigate the key profit drivers for goatmeat enterprises over five contact days and culminates in the development of an annual production plan to improve financial returns.

The package also aims to develop an effective approach to learning that producers can use to drive ongoing improvement of their goatmeat enterprises.

The key objectives of the package are to increase skills and confidence to:

  • correctly select animals ready for turn-off
  • increase the average carcase weight of goats turned-off
  • increase the proportion of livestock reaching optimal market specifications
  • develop and implement a customised production plan.

The training has been developed for producers who have already determined goats are a natural fit, compatible with other enterprises within the pastoral operation.

For more information or to register your interest in the PGS package, please contact your state co-ordinator:

State Coordinators:






Jill Alexander

Applied Ag


0427 764 897

Peter Schuster

Schuster Consulting Group P/L


0418 604 412

Lyndon Kubiel



0418 532 085

Georgia McCarthy

Pinion Advisory


0400 763 904

Georgia Reid-Smith

AgPro Management


0447 523 110

Elizabeth Thelander



0428 472 983

Merri Tothill

Rural Solutions


0428 104 867