New Going into Goats Mohair production module released
04 April 2024

MLA has released a new Going into Goats module for the goat industry focused on mohair production, to cater for the growing interest in the fleece produced by Angora goats.
Developed in conjunction with Mohair Australia Limited, Going into Goats Module 10 – Mohair production, outlines the knowledge and skills required to ensure profitable mohair production.
It features practical, easy to understand information about all aspects of mohair production, including mohair production specifications, animal selection and breeding, feeding and management, shearing, and marketing, as well as case studies with Australian mohair producers.
While the Angora breed was first introduced to Australia from France in the early 1800s, the most significant genetic input to the Australian Angora has come from South Africa and Texas.
Today, South Africa is the largest mohair-producing nation, accounting for over 60% of the world’s mohair clip. The United States is also a significant producer. Australia is currently only a small player on the world scene, contributing less than 5% of the world total.
This new Going into Goats module is one of 12 modules included in MLA's Going into Goats Guide that address different aspects of the goat production system. This applies to goat production as a standalone enterprise or as an enterprise that complements other production systems.
All modules are free and available to download from the Going into Goats Guide page on the MLA website.