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New eNVD system released

19 May 2020

A new mobile-friendly, more user-centric version of the electronic National Vendor Declaration (eNVD) system is now available for LPA -accredited goat producers and value chain stakeholders.

The LPA eNVD is not just an NVD – it’s a system for digitally completing all consignment paperwork, including livestock assurance and health declarations, to meet LPA program requirements.

On average, goat producers collectively create 216 consignments per month. In March 2020 alone, 230 goat consignments were lodged, with half of these created in NSW, followed by Queensland and Victoria.

For existing eNVD users, all consignments created in the old eNVD system will automatically appear in the new system.

To start using the new eNVD system, click here and log in using your LPA credentials (LPA PIC, User ID and Password) and start creating consignments.

ISC has developed a short, animated ‘how-to’ video to provide producers with a step-by-step guide to using the new eNVD system. Watch it below:

What’s new?

  • only answer questions once (select the forms relevant to the consignment LPA, National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme, Meat Standards Australia and Goat Health Declarations)
  • consignment templates allowing you to pre-fill information for regular consignments
  • mobile-friendly unlimited space for livestock descriptions
  • print at any time
  • draw your signature and/or brand using a touch-screen device or mouse.

Why use it?

  • fast, easy and more accurate than paper forms
  • latest versions of the NVD are always used and meet market requirements
  • reduces duplication and time spent completing livestock assurance and health declarations
  • reduces the cost of storing and retrieving historical consignments for auditing, reporting and administrative purposes
  • saves the industry time and money because information is instantly available online
  • no need to wait for new NVD books to arrive, log in and view consignments at any time.

Integrity Systems Company (ISC) CEO Dr Jane Weatherley said the new eNVD system was subjected to rigorous testing ahead of its launch to the red meat industry, including by producers and the lot feeding sector.

“Participants involved in trialling the new eNVD provided feedback to ISC so the system could be fine-tuned ahead of its release, ensuring ISC could deliver the best user experience to the industry,” Dr Weatherley said.

“The eNVD will be continuously updated to ensure it meets users’ expectations and requirements.”