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myMSA Q&A with MSA Producer Engagement Officer, Laura Garland

13 October 2020

The refreshed myMSA platform is now live, giving MSA-registered producers access to a range of new features that help improve MSA compliance and eating quality performance.

MSA Producer Engagement Officer, Laura Garland, explains its many benefits for producers.

Q: How do I access myMSA?

A: Simply go to and log in using your unique four-digit MSA number and password.

Q: What is new about the refreshed myMSA platform?

A: The new-look myMSA platform makes it easier for producers to access and analyse their carcase feedback. It is mobile-friendly, making it accessible on your mobile device, tablet and desktop computer.

New features include easier navigation with the left-hand menu; help prompts on every page; a more sophisticated benchmarking page; and easy-to-read feedback reports.

Q: How do I use the myMSA benchmarking feature?

The updated myMSA benchmarking feature allows producers to quickly analyse how their cattle compare to other MSA-graded cattle in terms of compliance and eating quality performance.

The tool, when selected, will appear in a new tab and gives producers the option to benchmark either their most recent cattle consignment, or all cattle graded over a time period, on a national, state, or regional basis.

Producers can also select carcase filters such as the use of hormonal growth promotants (HGPs), feed type (grass or grain), sex, and ossification. By having carcase filters available, producers can benchmark, or compare, their cattle with cattle from similar production systems.

As filters are selected, the data will update in real-time and show how your cattle compare on MSA Index, compliance and carcase attributes to all other cattle with the filters you have applied. 

Producers can see if they are performing compared to industry averages for MSA and allow them to identify areas for improvement.

Q: How do I access MSA feedback reports?

A: To access MSA carcase feedback reports, simply log in to the myMSA platform and select ‘Beef’ and then the ‘Reports’ option on the left-hand menu bar.

All consignments processed under the MSA account number will be listed on the page by date, plant and number of head within the consignment.

By selecting the ‘Reports’ button on the right-hand side of the page, producers then have access to carcase feedback, MSA non-compliance, MSA graphs , company specification non-compliance reports, and the ability to download data.

By selecting multiple consignments, producers also have the ability to see all their data in the above reports across the selected time period. ‘Over time reports’ are available at the bottom of the page.

When selecting a report to view, the report will open within a new tab, so it is important to make sure that any pop-up blockers within your web browser are disabled for the myMSA site.

Producers can also view reports not only in a list view, but also a calendar and filter view. The ‘View by Filter’ page allows producers to create reports by filtering on consignment details and carcase attributes. For example, producers can view carcases within a selected time period, weight range, MSA Index range, or by any other grading attribute.

Q: What is the Opportunity Index?

A: In the past, when producers accessed their MSA carcase feedback, carcases that did not meet the MSA minimum specifications for pH (<5.71), rib fat (minimum 3mm) and/or adequate fat coverage, did not receive an MSA Index score.

The Opportunity Index now allows producers to see what the MSA Index would have been in non-compliant carcases if they had met the minimum specifications. It is calculated by using all the same grading attributes of the carcase that influence the MSA Index and default figures for pH and rib fat measurements. 

Q: How do I complete my MSA Vendor Declaration online?

Completing your MSA Vendor Declaration electronically can be done by logging into myMSA or the LPA Service Centre at using your PIC, LPA user ID and LPA password.

Within myMSA, after selecting ‘MSA Declaration Online’ you will be redirected to the LPA Service Centre.

When creating a new consignment, you will be prompted to select the forms that you would like to include as part of your consignment, including an option for MSA. The forms that are visible to you are based on your accreditation.

Q: How do I order MSA Vendor Declaration books?

A: Hardcopy MSA Vendor Declaration books can be ordered online through myMSA, or by contacting MSA Enquiries on 1800 111 672.

To order your books online, login to and select ‘MSA Declarations & Order Items’ on the left-hand menu bar.  

As part of Meat & Livestock Australia’s (MLA) Accelerated Adoption Initiative, there is no cost for MSA Vendor Declaration books until 30 June 2021.

It is important to remember that if you are consigning MSA eligible sheep you are not required to complete an MSA Vendor Declaration to accompany the consignment. Producers can simply include their four-digit MSA number in Part A – Question 7 on the National Vendor Declaration (Sheep and Lambs).