MLA Updates heading West in October this year
28 February 2024

Meat & Livestock Australia’s (MLA) flagship event, MLA Updates, will be hosted in Perth, Western Australia, on Thursday 10 October 2024.
Following the success of previous MLA Updates events in Toowoomba in 2022 and Bendigo 2023, Perth promises to be an exciting day for red meat producers to be updated on MLA’s investments in research, development and marketing.
MLA Updates will feature presentations, displays and demonstrations for producers and the broader industry along the red meat supply chain. It will also feature a range of showcases and livestock practical demonstrations from MLA’s Research & Development, Adoption, Marketing, and Integrity Systems Company teams.
Key industry and government figures will also be invited to participate in the showcase and will provide information to participants on the wide range of services available to industry stakeholders.
MLA's Annual General Meeting (AGM) will not be held in conjunction with MLA Updates and will instead be a standalone event in November.
Mark the date in your calendars and keep an eye out for more detail on the event later this year.