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MLA gets to work to stop disease spread

11 August 2022

While it is the responsibility of the Australian Government to protect Australia from foot and mouth disease (FMD) and lumpy skin disease (LSD), MLA – together with industry – is doing everything we can to help.

Read on to see what MLA is doing to help keep Australia FMD and LSD free as well as provide support to control the spread of both diseases in Indonesia.

Providing biosecurity support to Indonesia

MLA, in conjunction with the Australian Government, is working closely with the Indonesian Government and industry via a biosecurity support program to help control the spread of FMD and LSD in Indonesia.

Over the course of two years, this program will provide technical and training support to:

Bolstering Indonesia’s livestock traceability

In addition to this biosecurity support program, MLA is also supporting the Indonesian Government in reviewing its national traceability system to help track and control livestock movements.

MLA’s subsidiary company, Integrity Systems Company (ISC), is engaging with the Indonesian Government and Industry to share insights from Australia’s two key red meat integrity system programs, which include:

  1. The National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) – Australia’s system for the identification and traceability of cattle, sheep and goats.
  2. Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) – Australia’s on-farm assurance program underpinning market access for Australian red meat.

By sharing the system design and implementation as well as experiences of system adoption, this initiative aims to enable Indonesia to boost its livestock traceability and biosecurity capabilities to aid efforts to control the spread of both FMD and LSD in-country.

Assisting with the industry taskforce

A major cross-industry effort is underway to assist Indonesia in containing its FMD and LSD outbreaks while also keeping the diseases out of Australia.

This work is led by the Australian Government and facilitated by the Red Meat Advisory Council (RMAC) – the peak body for the entire Australian red meat industry. As part of this, a special taskforce has been convened, comprising representatives from RMAC, the National Farmers’ Federation, Australian Dairy Farmers, and their respective industry service providers, including MLA.

The taskforce has a communication framework developed and a communications working group, and updates are being provided to state-based authorities and organisations as information comes to light.

MLA’s role as the marketing and research service provider for the red meat industry is to support the industry taskforce with technical expertise and investment in potential prevention and treatment solutions against both diseases, including mRNA vaccines.