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Meet the SSG: Kari Moffat

04 July 2022

Key points:

  • Animal Welfare Assurance Manager for AUSTREX and Chair of the Young Livestock Exporters Network
  • Based in Darwin, Ms Moffat has worked in the live export industry for eight years, spending six of those focused on animal welfare in overseas markets
  • She believes ensuring food security in both domestic and global domains requires constant innovation and improvement.

We talked to ABSF Sustainability Steering Group (SSG) member and emerging beef industry leader Kari Moffat on her work in livestock export for AUSTREX, and her thoughts on improving sustainable practices.

What is your background? 

I am originally from Victoria, where I grew up on a small beef cattle property. After studying at Marcus Oldham College, I wanted to pursue a career in the cattle industry and got the opportunity to sail as a stockperson onboard live export vessels. I ended up sailing on over 15 voyages to Asian markets.

I have now been a part of the livestock export industry for eight years, with a focus on the Northern Beef Industry and animal welfare. I am currently based in Darwin, where my position has me overseeing the Export Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS), which ensures animal welfare in overseas markets. 

I am also the current Chair of the Young Livestock Exporters Network (YLEN) and am passionate about developing the next generation of leaders in agriculture.

How did you become involved in sustainability? 

I have been working in the animal welfare space for the last six years, managing ESCAS in destination markets in south-east Asia. More recently, I have been focused on longer term animal welfare projects for AUSTREX, which have a positive impact on both Australian and local cattle overseas.

I never realised the work I was doing was sustainability driven until more recently, as I was just focused on continuous improvement, both in the animal welfare space and capacity building activities through YLEN.

AUSTREX is committed to sustainable supply chains, so I am fortunate to have the opportunity to continue to develop in this space.

What sustainability measures are implemented at AUSTREX? 

For almost half a century, AUSTREX has worked hard to innovate and diversify our operations, and show genuine care for the animals, people and communities we support. We are committed to not only ensuring best practice across every element of our business, but also pushing ourselves to find and invest in new ways to operate.

AUSTREX’s approach to sustainability is set out in four priorities: animal welfare; customer focus; our environment; and, our people. We are involved in a diverse range of activities such as animal welfare training activities in south-east Asia, investment in feed additives to reduce methane emissions, supporting the next generation through capacity-building programs and the development of IT solutions to mitigate biosecurity risk.

Why is sustainability so important to industry? Why is it important to AUSTREX?

The Australian beef industry plays a pivotal role in providing food security to millions of people, both domestically and around the globe. To ensure our industry remains sustainable, we must be continuously aiming to improve how we do this.  

Sustainability has been in the AUSTREX DNA for a very long time, with commitments to global best practice and continuous improvement. We strive constantly for continuous improvement in what we do, with a dedication to how we can make lasting positive impacts in our supply chains.  We understand that ongoing communication and information-sharing is a journey that never ends, and we are committed to that as part of running a sustainable business.

Where are the greatest opportunities for sustainability improvement? 

For our business, animal welfare is at the core of what we do. The biggest opportunities lie in the exploration of new technologies and innovation, to streamline data capture, increase supply chain efficiency and manage risk.