MeatUp in Cunnamulla for a red meat update
02 August 2023

Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) is encouraging producers to register for the MeatUp forum in Cunnamulla on Wednesday 6 September 2023.
The forum, to be held at the Paroo Shire Hall, Cunnamulla, will include insights on MLA initiatives, enterprise choice and profitability, grazing and feedbase management, livestock updates covering beef, sheep and goats, and more.
Sally Leigo, MLA Program Manager – Adoption said the Cunnamulla MeatUp program will be focusing on getting the most from beef, sheep and goat enterprises. Sally will provide an MLA update, including market insights, such as the current direction of the goat market. She will also share insights about MLA adoption programs and how to get involved.
“The Cunnamulla MeatUp forum will be a great opportunity for local producers from across south-western Queensland and north-west NSW to come together to learn more about the latest opportunities to improve productivity and profitability of their enterprise. The day will cover topics relating to profit drivers, using technology and livestock health and well-being”.
“MeatUp forums allow producers to investigate the value of implementing new practices or technology for their business. Producers attending will be connected to further programs and projects that can assist them with implementing these practices or technology on-property.” Ms Leigo said.
A feature of the MeatUp forum is the virtual farm tour, where a not to be missed video of BAM Pastoral’s ‘Yaralla’ will be premiered. Producers will hear from Ben and Andrea McKenzie about their beef, sheep and goat operation located south-east of Cunnamulla.
During the event, producers will hear from Ian McLean from Bush AgriBusiness. Ian will delve into the key factors producers need to consider when determining enterprise selection or changes in response to seasons, markets, resources, and business goals. He will also share insights from the latest Australian Beef Report.
Dr Gordon Refshauge, Research Scientist – Livestock Systems from NSW DPI, will share the key opportunities for rangeland goat enterprises to maximise performance in a variable environment. Gordon will also highlight upcoming goat research which will be helping provide direction for the goat sector in the years to come.
Producers will hear from Tanisha Shields of Agrista on tactical decision making to better manage rangeland pastures, and how the techniques can be adopted. This will be followed by a session from Jess Paton, Cibo Labs sharing how producers can access the Australian Feedbase Monitor (AFM) and incorporate the tool into grazing management decision making. Jess will deliver a live, localised demonstration of the freely available (to MLA members) tool.
To explore the adoption of objective measurement technologies such as eID and walk-over weighing in rangeland sheep enterprises, Anthony Shepherd from Sheepmatters will share findings from a recent MLA Producer Demonstration Site. He will discuss the key benefits discovered by the producers who were involved and the key learnings from the demonstration.
Livestock health and wellbeing insights will also be featured at the event, with livestock veterinarian and Dawbuts Managing Director, Dr Matt Playford. Matt will discuss internal parasite control in the rangelands, followed by a presentation on pain relief options for cattle, sheep and goats.
At the end of the day, attendees will be invited to join presenters and producers for networking, canapés and drinks, showcasing red meat and other incredible local produce.