MeatUp in Cowra for red meat updates
03 July 2023

Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) is encouraging producers to register for the MeatUp Forum in Cowra on Thursday 10 August 2023.
The forum, to be held at the Cowra Civic Centre will include insights on MLA initiatives, grazing management, sheep and beef updates, carbon, a visit to the Cowra Agricultural Research and Advisory Station and more.
MLA Managing Director, Jason Strong, who is providing an MLA update, said the Cowra MeatUp program will be focusing on getting the most from sheep and beef enterprises.
“The Cowra MeatUp Forum will focus on opportunities to improve productivity and profitability in red meat production systems. There is a focus on incorporating technology, plus improving genetics and animal welfare within herds and flocks. These issues are important for the industry to manage as social licence becomes more prevalent for maintaining market access” Mr Strong said.
“MeatUp Forums are designed to demonstrate the value of implementing new practices or technology on-farm. They will link with other MLA activities, programs, and projects that producers can get involved in to enable them to further build knowledge and skills.”
“A feature of the MeatUp Forum at Cowra is the next step hub. Here attendees can find out more about MLA adoption programs, and how to get involved”. This will include Dr Sarita Guy, MLA Project Manager for genetics and adoption, on the refreshed BredWell FedWell workshop, which she will also present on. Similarly, MLA project manager for Integrity Systems, Demelsa Lollback, will be present and provide updates on the NVD app and My FeedBack.
Agrista’s John Francis will provide insights on cost of production, plus profit versus profitability in a farm business, coupled with a producer case study.
Attendees will experience a live demonstration of the newly launched Australian Feedbase Monitor – available free to all MLA members. Hear from Alastair Rayner, Cibo Labs on how to access and incorporate the technology into grazing management decision making.
Dr Brad Walmsley, NSW DPI will discuss the beef Southern Multibreed Project which is aiming to improve within-breed genetic evaluation while also developing a multibreed genetic evaluation for beef herds across Australia.
Henry Hickson from NeXtgen Agri will provide attendees with an overview of selecting for low breech wrinkle and non-mules flocks, including a cost benefit and the timeline to achieve this change.
A producer panel facilitated by Dr Jillian Kelly, Animal Health and Nutrition Consulting (AHN) will explore pain management practices for beef and sheep enterprises.
Use of eID in commercial sheep enterprises will be addressed by Sally Martin of Sheep MetriX and a Paraboss update will be provided by consultant, Megan Rogers. Professor Bruce Allworth, Charles Sturt University will cover management and prevention practices for cattle bloat and provide an overview of the bloat alert app which assists in its management.
The event will wrap up at the Cowra Agricultural Research and Advisory Station (CARAS) looking at trials involving dryland legumes, perennial cereals and clover for bees, along with a Smart Shepherd sheep demonstration, for improving ewe mothering.
Then, at CARAS, attendees will be invited to join presenters and producers for networking, canapés and drinks, showcasing red meat and with prizes of premium cut meat packs.
Attend the MLA MeatUp Forum at Cowra, 10 August 2023 to hear from Alastair Rayner, Cibo Labs about the Australian Feedbase Monitor, freely available to MLA members, to improve grazing management.