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Last chance to register for Kimberley BeefUp forums

22 March 2023

This is your last chance to register for MLA’s popular BeefUp forums to be held in Broome on the 27 March and Kununurra on 31 March.

MLA’s BeefUp forums provide a chance for producers, advisors, researchers and other experts to come together to share information and ideas to support the continued growth of beef businesses throughout Queensland, NT and WA.

BeefUp forums are an MLA initiative delivered by Associated Advertising & Promotions with the support of Regional Beef Research Committees and industry partners who provide regional insights for each program.

According to MLA’s Group Manager – Adoption and Commercialisation, Sarah Strachan, these BeefUp forums have been specifically designed for the Kimberley region.

“In conjunction with representatives of the Regional Beef Research Committee (RBRC), the Western Australian Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) and the Kimberley Pilbara Cattlemen's Association (KPCA), these BeefUp forums have been designed to cover key topics for Kimberley pastoral businesses.

“These include grazing land management; genetics and genomics; nutrition; seasonal forecasting; animal health and biosecurity, as well as a market update. The BeefUp forum will also include information for those recovering from flood events,” said Ms Strachan.

Experts from across WA and northern Australia will share the latest R&D and tips for getting the most out of the coming season.

Highlights of the Broome and Kununurra programs include:

  • Market insights: The latest trends affecting the northern WA beef industry.
  • Grazing land management: Tactics to improve grazing pastures and land condition, including the seasonal outlook.
  • Nutrition, animal health and biosecurity: Practical tips from a panel of experts.
  • Genetics: Advances in genetics and breeding technologies, with experiences from producers in the region.
  • Flood recovery: Strategies for rebuilding after a flood event, making the most of the coming season and the years ahead.

Attendees can find out more about the activities happening in their region and talk to local service providers about the tools and information available to them, while producers can share practical insights about how they have used new research and technology to improve their herd performance.

Event details

The Broome BeefUp forum will be held on Monday 27 March at the Mangrove Hotel from 9:30am to 5:15pm AWST.

While the Kununurra BeefUp forum will be held on Friday 31 March at the Frank Wise Institute of Tropical Agriculture from 9:30am to 5:15pm AWST.

Tickets are $25 for MLA members and $50 for non-members.

Register now

For those who would like to attend, please register via the MLA website: BeefUp Forum.