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Goat industry development day a success

19 November 2019

More than 40 producers from across Australia attended the October goat industry development day in Ipswich, Queensland to hear about the latest opportunities and insights, participate in a range of practical activities and network with their peers.

Didn’t make it to the development day? Check out this event summary from MLA’s Julie Petty, including useful links.

Interactive activities

One of the day’s most popular activities was a practical disease investigation where goat producers learned what to look for when doing post-mortem examinations, as well as what they need to know about managing safety and farm biosecurity.

MLA’s Emily Litzow took the group through the basics of what equipment to use, how to assess if a goat’s organs are healthy and what different symptoms may mean.

Next time you need to do a post-mortem, check out the Sheep diseases – the farmers guide booklet. While this booklet is targeted at sheep producers, the content is also relevant to goats and provides a step-by-step process with plenty of images to demonstrate.

For more information on biosecurity requirements, visit

Research project updates

Event attendees were updated on a variety of levy-funded projects, including financial benchmarking (click here for the April 2019 webinar and here for the September 2019 webinar), and kid loss (click here).

Red meat industry insights

The group also heard about key industry and consumer insights.


  • Australian live goat exports totalled 21,580 head in 2018, up 76% year-on-year (DA, ABS).
  • The US is Australia’s largest export destination for goatmeat, accounting for 73% of total goatmeat exports in 2018, at 14,218 tonnes swt (DA).
  • Australian goatmeat production totalled 23,388 tonnes cwt in 2018, back 26% year-on-year and from the five-year average (ABS).

Producers can stay up-to-date on the latest insights by downloading:

Goat program manager announcement

It was announced on the day that MLA’s Goat Program Manager, Julie Petty, would be taking on a new role within MLA’s Food Safety team.

For any queries relating to MLA’s goat program, please contact:

Des Rinehart