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Goat Industry Council of Australia (GICA) update

01 September 2022

GICA has been working closely with industry and business partners to monitor the current foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) outbreak in Indonesia and Bali.

GICA, as the peak industry council for the goat industry, has been participating in meetings with relevant stakeholders at all levels to ensure the goat industry has a voice at the table.

FMD is a highly contagious animal disease that affects goats, cattle, sheep and pigs and all livestock producers are encouraged to be prepared, vigilant and on the lookout.

Australia is currently free from FMD. Good biosecurity practices and early detection will be essential to reduce the potential impact of FMD should it arrive in Australia.

To find out more about FMD, visit the MLA information page.

Producers can also hear from four key experts on Australia's FMD response so far and get their first-hand insights into what’s happening in Indonesia and what would happen if FMD arrived in Australia by watching this MLA FMD webinar recording.

Strategic Plan

GICA has finalised the Draft Strategic Plan 2023–28 in consultation with industry through the Members of GICA.

The Strategic Plan is underpinned by pillars that link into Red Meat 2030, and have objectives that GICA will implement pathways to achieve:

  • livestock
  • people
  • customers, consumers and community
  • environment
  • marketing
  • systems

The Strategic Plan also includes strategic planning and objectives for the Council directly.

Levy returns due

GICA is reminding goat producers that Annual Returns to Levy Revenue Service (LRS) are due for transactions that have not involved a third party who has made the Livestock Transaction Levy payment on the vendor’s behalf.

Annual returns are due by Monday 31 October. Monthly returns are due on the 28th day of the month following a transaction.