Digital consignments benefit producers as well as their advisors
03 October 2023

The eNVD Livestock Consignment app makes it faster and easier for producers to create and share accurate livestock consignments, with or without an internet connection.
Why it makes sense to go digital
Livestock advisors can help their clients save time and money with the free eNVD system. Because the eNVD app stores information instantly and requires producers to complete each section before moving to the next, going digital can also help eliminate lost, incomplete, or illegible livestock consignment forms.
The switch to digital consignments can also benefit others involved in the movement of livestock, such as stock and station agents who will be able to view completed consignments before livestock arrives, increasing their ability to plan effectively.
Some other benefits of the eNVD app include:
- Convenience – once downloaded online, the eNVD app can work with or without the internet, allowing producers to create and share consignments while offline. Once back in range, they simply open the app to sync the consignment details with the eNVD platform.
- Efficiency – information is securely stored and always available for auditing, reporting, and administrative purposes.
- Time-savings – answers to repetitive questions will pre-populate across quality assurance and health declaration forms, and users can also create their own templates.
- Economical – unlike the NVD books, eNVDs are free to use.
- Certainty – the eNVD ensures that the latest version will always be used.
- Flexibility – the eNVD system also allows declarations to be printed and completed by hand.
While digital consignments are not mandatory, the eNVD web-based system and eNVD mobile app are free and the fastest, easiest, and most accurate option for your clients.
Hear from producers already using the eNVD system
Producers who have moved to the digital system are helping to further strengthen the robustness of Australia’s red meat traceability and protect our access to many international markets.
Digital consignments have been rising steadily since the eNVD app launched in March this year, reflecting the benefits producers are seeing from making the transition. In this video, two livestock producers share how the eNVD has already helped improve their record keeping.
Helping your clients make the shift to the eNVD
This guide provides everything you need to know about getting yourself and your clients ready for digital consignments.
The following resources will also help get producers up and running on the eNVD system:
- Creating a myMLA account
- How to complete an eNVD (video)
- How to access eNVD via NLIS (National Livestock Identification System) (video)
- Access eNVD consignments via web system
- Tips on using the eNVD system
- Farm software programs that include the eNVD