Be on watch for three day sickness this season
21 April 2022

With heavy rain experienced in many production regions this summer, producers are encouraged to keep a close eye out for three day sickness in the coming weeks.
Read on to find out what to look for and what to do if you suspect livestock on your property have the disease.
What is three day sickness?
Three day sickness, or bovine ephemeral fever (BEF), is a viral disease of cattle that is spread by mosquitos and biting midges.
When and where does it occur?
Three day sickness is known to occur in northern Australia and along the eastern seaboard south to the NSW-VIC border.
Three day sickness is more likely to occur in:
- young stock
- wetter northern regions (as it is more sporadic in southern cooler regions)
- following big wet seasons, especially if this follows several dry years.
What are the symptoms?
Diagnosis of three day sickness will require assistance from a veterinarian. Clinical signs that would lead you to suspect three day sickness in your livestock include the following:
- depression
- lameness, muscle stiffness, shivering, twitching, droopy ears
- drooling saliva, watery eyes, runny nose
- recumbency (lying down/sprawling)
- reduced water and food intake
How do I treat it?
Always contact your veterinarian for assistance if you suspect there is a case of three day sickness on your property. Bulls, heavily pregnant or high producing cows and well-conditioned stock should especially require treatment.
Your veterinarian may recommend some of the following actions for the treatment of three day sickness:
- Ensure the affected animal has adequate shelter, water and food to minimise the impacts of heat on the animal.
- Roll over handled stock several times a day to help avoid loss of circulation. However, for unhandled stock, keep in mind that constant handling such as rolling may adversely stress the animal.
- Anti-inflammatory drugs and calcium injections to assist recumbent animals (animals lying down) to regain mobility.
How can I prevent it?
Prevention of three day sickness relies largely on vaccination of your herd.
Cattle can be vaccinated from six months of age and should be revaccinated at the start of summer each year to ensure continued protection.
When vaccinating, follow the directions on the vaccine label and make sure you document and file all animal treatment details to meet your Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) requirements, if you are LPA accredited. Read more about your LPA requirements around conducting safe and responsible animal treatments.