Australian beef sustainability survey open now
01 March 2019
You may have heard the word ‘sustainability’ used in the news, general media or day-to-day conversation. As a red meat producer, you would be aware that retailers, restaurants and other customers are increasingly requesting information on the Australian beef industry’s sustainability credentials.
Here Friday Feedback talks to MLA’s Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Lisa Sharp, about how industry plans to tackle this challenge and how producers can get involved.
How is the Australian beef industry addressing sustainability concerns?
The industry has developed the Australian Beef Sustainability Framework (the Framework). The Framework defines what sustainable beef production is and tracks performance over a series of indicators annually. These indicators will continue to be refined through a process of consultation with both stakeholders and technical experts.
The Framework is a critical tool to enable the beef industry to work constructively with global customers, investors, banks and special interest groups. The sheep industry is also in the early stages of developing a similar approach.
How is the Framework run and how’s MLA involved?
The Frameworks are industry-led, with a grassroots Sustainability Steering Group driving the process.
As the research, development and marketing provider for the industry, MLA plays an important role in supporting the related strategy and in leading the preparation the Framework’s next Annual Update Report.
How can producers provide input?
Most of the data required for the Annual Update Report is compiled from available data sets, but there are a few key areas that our global customers, investors, special interest groups and consumers are interested in that require input from beef producers.
Please take 10 minutes to complete the brief survey:
In line with the Privacy Act 1988, your responses will be in confidence and not individually identified at any stage of the analysis. Results will only be reported in an aggregated fashion.
MLA’s committed to developing and supporting a sustainable red meat industry and via the provision of data on our sustainability credentials, can help to ensure market access now and into the future. Thank you for your assistance.
Survey close date: 27 March.
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