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Study identifies $13 million goatmeat opportunity

23 February 2018

A feasibility study into opportunities to encourage goatmeat consumption in Australia has identified that value-adding could create more demand and potentially generate $13 million for the industry annually.
Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) commissioned the study, Value adding goatmeat for domestic consumers, and is now seeking co-funding partners within the industry to act on its findings.
The study looked at new usages, occasions and opportunity spaces for goatmeat to inform potential strategies for putting goatmeat ‘on the map’ with Australian consumers.
Several value-add opportunities are presented in the study’s final report, with insights around defined consumer segments and key occasions.
MLA Goat Industry Project Manager, Julie Petty, said while Australia was one of the leading exporters of goatmeat in the world, goatmeat was not widely consumed domestically, except by diners at restaurants, and among some ethnic consumers remaining true to their cultural heritage.
“In 2016, Australia’s goat producers exported 30,680 tonnes of goatmeat, representing 88% of total goatmeat production,” Ms Petty said.
“While the goatmeat export market is lucrative for producers, a healthy level of domestic demand would provide a degree of insurance against any export down-turn. More importantly, domestic demand would also enhance the industry’s reputation, encouraging more producers and supply chain players to participate in goatmeat production.”
Ms Petty said there was the potential to lift the profile of goatmeat among Australian consumers to the same level as other secondary animal proteins such as salmon, tuna, mussels, duck, kangaroo, turkey and venison.
“In the last 20 years, several secondary proteins have risen to prominence beyond the restaurant scene, to become mainstays of supermarket offerings, where most Australians buy their meat,” Ms Petty said.
“There are lessons from the success of secondary proteins that goatmeat can learn from and adapt to grow demand while remaining true to the product’s qualities and character.
“This opportunity ties in well with new cooking techniques and trends that can bring out the best in goatmeat, such as slow cooking.
“Young families, adventurous cooks, millennials, empty nesters and professional couples were identified in the study as consumer segments that could add goatmeat in their repertoire of meal occasions if convenient meal solutions were presented to them.”
The full project report can be downloaded here

A short webinar talking through the project results can be downloaded and watched here.

For further information and to discuss goatmeat project ideas, contact Julie Petty: or 0411 680 516