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Showcasing Australian Beef’s versatility and convenience

19 March 2018

Meat & Livestock Australia’s (MLA) has launched a fresh round of beef marketing activities under its domestic Beef marketing platform ‘Australian Beef the Greatest’ focusing on promoting the convenience and versatility of Australian beef – particularly as a mid-week meal option.

Andy Allen

The ‘Australian Beef the Greatest’ platform was launched last year, inspiring Australian consumers to reconnect with beef by reminding them of the superiority of our product through messages spanning versatility, nutrition, provenance, sustainability and eating quality.

As part of the latest domestic beef marketing activities, TV commercials showcasing the versatility and range of cuts of Australian beef will be seen nationally utilising the successful ‘Australian Beef the Greatest’ creative content launched last year – as well as online and through social media channels.

New ‘out of home’ advertising will appear targeting consumers as they shop that is unique and targeted to each weekday – encouraging shoppers to purchase Australian beef for dinner by offering meal ideas for each night of the week (see advertisement below).

Beef meal

The campaign has also partnered with celebrity cook Andy Allen, who has developed five quick and easy meal ideas that showcase the quality and convenience of Australian beef.

MLA Chief Marketing & Communications Officer Lisa Sharp said the new activities spoke directly to consumers about Australian beef’s natural versatility and positioned it as an easy everyday meal compared to other proteins at the point of purchase.

“Since launching last year, the new domestic beef platform 'Australian Beef the Greatest' has been effective in reinforcing the natural strengths of Aussie beef with consumers such as nutrition, provenance, eating quality and versatility,” Ms Sharp said.

“Our marketing is driven by deep consumer insights. We know that consumers are increasingly looking for proteins that they consider easy and convenient to use which presents a significant opportunity for beef to showcase its natural versatility.

“Ultimately, our marketing needs to be effective and drive demand for beef – and in turn provide returns for our levy payers.”

View the TV commercial
To view more content and discover the latest beef recipes, visit