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New Goat LPA NVD: Update

28 May 2018

As noted in the last edition of Goats on the Move, the new LPA NVD for goats (G0517) is now available electronically as an eNVD or in printed booklets, and can be ordered via the LPA Service Centre.

The LPA NVD is the main document behind Australia’s reputation as a reliable supplier of safe red meat to domestic and international markets, including goatmeat.

The new LPA NVD incorporates changes which align with the current practices in the goat industry.

The previous version (GO413) will be accepted until 1 March 2019, after which all producers must use the new version.

Producers should note that when uploading the transaction data to the NLIS database, if they have received or sold a consignment of harvested rangeland goats that are eligible to be moved tag free, they still need to complete the ‘vendor bred’ section on the NLIS. Indicate that the stock has not been bred by the owner (select ‘no’), and then for the timeframe indicate ‘less than two months’.

For more information, visit Integrity Systems or call the LPA Helpdesk on 1800 683 111.