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Looking after goats in the dry

27 August 2018

Regardless of seasonal conditions it is important that producers continue to meet the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) requirements so they can stand by what they sell.

To fulfil their responsibilities under the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program in the dry, producers need to pay particular attention to a few key areas.  These include:

  • Feed. When feeding bought-in fodder and grain to livestock, LPA-accredited producers should ensure they get a Commodity Vendor Declaration (CVD) from the supplier in order to meet LPA’s fodder crop, grain and pasture treatments and stock foods requirement. Under LPA, goat producers must take responsibility for all introduced feedstuffs given to their livestock. Obtaining a CVD means that producers who source fodder or grain from a third party will know exactly what is being fed to their livestock. A CVD is also good for helping to manage on-farm biosecurity risks such as introducing pests and weeds from purchased fodder. Biosecurity planning is also a requirement of the LPA program, as part of changes that came into effect from 1 October 2017.
  • Transport. Making a decision to retain and feed or sell livestock during dry conditions is something producers have to carefully consider. Producers must ensure animals are fit to load before they can be removed from a property. Preparation for dispatch of livestock is also a key element of LPA. Watch this video which explains best practice animal welfare when preparing, loading and delivering livestock. 
  • Welfare. Meeting broader animal welfare requirements is now part of the LPA program. All goat producers must understand their responsibilities for the welfare of their livestock, as outlined in the Australian Industry Standards and Guidelines for Goats. In dry conditions, it is particularly important to make certain goats have reasonable access to adequate and appropriate feed and water. The impact of extreme weather including drought also needs to be taken into account. Shelter should be provided and handling should be minimised in extremely hot (or cold) weather. 

All LPA audits now include animal welfare and biosecurity regardless of when a producer renews their accreditation. To check they understand all their responsibilities under the LPA program, producers should complete the online training modules of LPA Learning.

For more information on CVDs, ensuring animals are fit to load or meeting the animal welfare requirements of LPA, visit or contact

For more information on the integrity system, download the fact sheet for goat producers.