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Latest pest control and fencing resources

28 May 2018

Wild dog control, exclusion fencing and total grazing pressure control are all hot topics at the moment. A number of organisations have been working in this space and have developed some producer resources.

SA Arid Lands NRM Board – Wild dog control guidelines

The SA Arid Lands NRM Board has been working with land owners in its area to identify the most effective ways to control wild dogs. It has now developed a Best Practice model to assist landholders with managing this issue. The guidelines include proactive and reactive management measures for wild dog control using baiting, trapping, shooting and monitoring. Find out more here.

Leading Sheep – producer interviews on exclusion fencing, webinars/videos on pig control, electric fencing

If you’re considering exclusion fencing for your property, there are a number of resources available to you. Leading Sheep has several producer interviews on this topic which you can find here and here. The Leading Sheep website also hosts a range of recorded webinars and videos on topics such as pig control, getting the best from motion activated camera as well as tips for electric fencing. You can browse through the webinar recordings here.

Central Western Queensland Remote Area Planning and Development Board (RAPAD) – producer interviews, map with completed and proposed exclusion fencing

The Central Western Queensland Remote Area Planning and Development Board (RAPAD) region comprises the seven local government areas of Central West Queensland and their website houses several more producer interviews. The site also shows a map with completed and proposed exclusion fencing.

MLA with NSW DPI and GICA – webinars on total grazing pressure control, goats and wild dogs

MLA has also recorded several webinars on the topic of total grazing pressure control, goats and wild dogs. Trudie Atkinson, Development Officer with the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Rick Gates from the Goat Industry Council of Australia (GICA) presented a short webinar on total grazing pressure (TGP) which can be viewed here.

Amy Gunn of Western Local Land Services NSW and producer Will Roberts’ of Victoria Downs also gave a presentation on one of the first cluster fences in Queensland, encompassing 1.1 million acres, 40 separate landholders and three national parks. The webinar recording can be viewed here.