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Improved framework for Australia’s livestock & red meat trade to Indonesia

03 September 2018

The Australian livestock and red meat industry has today welcomed the Australian and Indonesian Governments' announcement that negotiations for the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) have concluded.

Chair of the industry’s IA-CEPA taskforce David Foote said that Indonesia is a vitally important customer for significant quantities of Australian live cattle, beef and offal and has a steady requirement for sheepmeat, albeit smaller volumes.

“IA-CEPA will not only deliver additional trade liberalisation by building on the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand FTA (AANZFTA) outcomes, it will also provide a framework for a more market orientated import regime. This in turn will deliver benefits for both our sector as well as the Indonesian supply chain – including importers, retailers and foodservice operators,” Mr Foote said.

“On behalf of the livestock and red meat industry, I extend our thanks to the Australian and Indonesian negotiating teams for their tireless effort over several years.

“IA-CEPA is a most welcome addition to the suite of FTAs the Australian Government has concluded to date with key trading partners.”

IA-CEPA will deliver:

  • A quota (with a 0% in-quota tariff) for 575,000 head of live (male) cattle, which will grow by 4% per annum over five years to 700,000 head.  Import permits will be issued automatically on an annual basis and without seasonal restrictions - a welcome improvement on previous administrative procedures.  A review of this trade will be conducted after five years to consider future increases in the quota (i.e. above 700,000 head).
  • Liberalised access for female live cattle exported to Indonesia, with 0% tariff on entry into force (EIF) of the agreement and no quota or import permit restrictions.
  • Immediate or gradual liberalisation of tariffs applicable to boxed beef and sheepmeat exports to Indonesia – whereby those tariff lines not already benefiting from 0% tariffs secured under AANZFTA, will benefit from either a 0% or 2.5% tariff on EIF (down from 5%) with the tariffs being eliminated altogether over five years.
  • Similar advantages will be extended to frozen offals - with the 5% tariff eliminated on EIF of the agreement.
  • Note: no quota or import permit restrictions apply to any boxed red meat or offal exports.

“In an increasingly competitive market, whereby Indonesia is granting access to numerous beef suppliers, a removal of these import tariffs will assist in maintaining Australian product’s cost competitiveness,” Mr Foote said.

Mr Foote indicated that the conclusion of the negotiations is just the beginning of cementing the close relationship between our two countries.

“Shoring-up the trade relationship via IA-CEPA will be jointly beneficial – but importantly this will need to be matched by ongoing close dialogue coupled with effective industry and government partnership initiatives as we continue to navigate a rapidly changing global trading environment,” Mr Foote said.

“Indonesia has an ongoing requirement for imported red meat (specifically beef) and, whether via the supply of live cattle or boxed product, our industry is ideally placed to assist Indonesia with meeting this demand.”

Media contact: David Foote 0418 983 967


Australian livestock (head) & red meat exports (tonnes) to Indonesia

Live cattle Beef Lamb Mutton Offal
2017 512,871 49,689 1,099 1,359 26,080
2018 YTD 290,150 36,812 746 459 16,936

YTD = July 2018

Australian livestock and red meat industry IA-CEPA Taskforce member organisations include:

  •     Red Meat Advisory Council
  •     Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council
  •     Australian Lot Feeders’ Association
  •     Australian Meat Industry Council
  •     Cattle Council of Australia
  •     Goat Industry Council of Australia
  •     Sheep Producers Australia
  •     Meat & Livestock Australia
  •     Australian Meat Processor Corporation
  •     Australian Livestock Export Corporation