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LPA changes ensure producers can stand by what they sell

07 June 2017








Key points:

  • Changes will ensure Australia maintains its enviable status as a world leader in red meat safety, integrity and traceability
  • On-farm biosecurity and animal welfare practices to be included in the LPA program
  • LPA accredited producers will need to complete a regular assessment
  • As part of a new secure funding model, producers will pay $60 (plus GST) for LPA accreditation every three years
  • New online learning modules to upskill producers
  • Further rollout of free electronic National Vendor Declarations (eNVD)

Australia’s world leading red meat integrity system will be enhanced and strengthened through significant upgrades to the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program.

The changes announced today by the Integrity Systems Company (formerly NLIS Limited), a subsidiary of Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA), are designed to ensure the Australian red meat and livestock industry maintains its global reputation as a world leader in food safety, integrity and traceability, giving producers the evidence to stand by what they sell.

LPA accredited producers commit to best practice on-farm management which meets the stringent requirements of export markets. The program provides an assurance to domestic and global customers of the integrity of Australian red meat and enhances its reputation for safety and quality, giving Australia a key advantage and point of difference against international competitors.

The strengthening of LPA was developed by the red meat industry and will launch on 1 October 2017.

It involves the introduction of biosecurity and animal welfare requirements, a regular online assessment and online learning modules to support producer understanding of their on-farm requirements. The changes have been launched to coincide with the further roll out of electronic National Vendor Declarations (eNVD), giving producers the option to replace their NVD books with a free automated online system.

Integrity Systems Company CEO Dr Jane Weatherley said the changes will further strengthen LPA and subsequently the reputation of Australian red meat internationally.

“The enhancements announced today are important to strengthen our promise to consumers and stay ahead of our competitors,” Dr Weatherley said.

“Australian red meat producers are renowned for delivering quality red meat into more than 100 international markets and our industry is well known for its food safety and traceability. This reputation is underpinned by our world leading integrity systems, including the LPA program.”

To support the program’s continual improvement, from 1 October producers will be required to pay $60 (plus GST) per LPA accreditation every three years to remain in the LPA program.

“The new fee structure has been developed by industry and will ensure a positive and secure future for the LPA program. By having a renewed process of accreditation, producers will better understand their on-farm responsibilities and the crucial role they play in driving the growth and prosperity of our industry.”

Don Mackay, Chair of the Red Meat Advisory Council, says broadening the LPA program to include biosecurity and animal welfare will serve to reinforce the system.

“Australian red meat producers are committed to achieving high animal welfare standards and understand the intrinsic link between high welfare and high productivity, the importance of Australia’s enviable biosecurity status and the value of the LPA program.

“Integrating these practices – some of which are already required under legislation – into the LPA program will significantly strengthen our pledge to our customers, and protect the industry for the future,” Mr Mackay says.

Producers will be supported in preparing for the assessment – including the biosecurity and animal welfare requirements – by LPA Learning, an online education tool developed by MLA.

Producers can access background information on all aspects of Australia’s red meat integrity system at the Integrity Hub, It includes information on the LPA program, the National Livestock Identification System, LPA Learning and producer resources.