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Key appointments to bolster global data collection and reporting

08 August 2017

Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) has announced further appointments to bolster its  global data collection, reporting and analysis capabilities.

MLA recently announced the allocation of more resources dedicated to the key program areas of global market access and market insights.  Under these enhancements, Natalie Isaac has taken on the role of Global Manager, Industry Insights and Strategy.

The global industry insights and strategy team will consist of three core functions - data intelligence, global insights and market intelligence. Combined, this team is responsible for collecting, collating & analysing market information & intelligence and producing market & consumer insights to inform MLA and industry strategy, and to share with red meat producers to help with making informed business decisions and better understand target markets.

The market intelligence team will lead the collation of all data sources to inform strategy and will be headed up by Scott Tolmie, who will commence in the role with MLA in late August.  Mr Tolmie’s appointment follows the recent move by Ben Thomas, MLA’s Manager of Market Information with MLA Donor Company (MDC).

Mr Tolmie has significant commercial and macro-economic analysis experience across supply chain, new product development, financial reporting, competitor and strategy.  In addition, Mr Tolmie has lead category management strategy within a number of large Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) businesses.

The market intelligence team will focus on integrating both supply and demand data and drivers to inform industry strategy.  This team will also focus on increased industry adoption and finding innovative ways to share this information.

Having attended an agricultural high school, Mr Tolmie holds a Bachelor of Accounting, majoring in International Business.

In other changes, MLA’s data intelligence team will be headed up by Damon Holmes and will lead the collection and management of market data and statistics, including management of MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service (NLRS). The team will continue to drive data collection, building on the significant progress made during the past 12 months.

MLA’s global insights team will continue to be headed up by Andrew Price and is the central source for consumer, shopper and customer insights.  This team will continue to focus on improving analysis of existing data sources and driving increased industry adoption.

MLA’s global industry insights and strategy team will be focussed on increasing their analysis of data to generate meaningful insights for industry and expanding the availability of insights to inform strategy. Key projects in the year ahead include:

  • increased automation of data warehousing to allow for increased data analysis.
  • new and improved insight reports to assist levy payers with the development of business strategy.
  • an expanded global consumer survey (covering 10 markets) that measures consumer awareness, consumption and attitudes towards Australian beef and lamb versus other imports and popular proteins.
  • increased understanding of the Foodservice channel across 10 markets, providing valuable insights into where consumers purchase premium beef and lamb.

More information

Natalie Isaac
MLA Global Manager - Industry Insights and Strategy