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Get up-to-date on BJD management

10 May 2017

The new, national approach to bovine Johne’s disease (BJD) in cattle – the BJD Framework – offers a fresh approach to the management of the endemic disease. It focuses on on-farm biosecurity risk rather than controlling disease through regulation, and treats BJD as just one of many diseases that producers must manage within their business.

Here are some resources to help you understand the changes and manage BJD in your cattle enterprise:

  • Get all the facts. Animal Health Australia has put together this fact sheet which explains the changes in detail and provides answers to producer questions.
  • Watch and learn: This webinar explains the transition from CattleMAP (Australian Johne’s Disease Market Assurance Program for Cattle) to the new J-BAS (Johne’s Bovine Assurance Score) for producers.
  • Tools and resources: Checklists, templates and online information portals are available for producers to use to assess risk and manage B JD. Animal Health Australia has compiled this list of all resources for producers.
  • Plan ahead: The MLA-supported Livestock Biosecurity Network offers a downloadable BJD farm biosecurity plan template.