Update on the goat plan
04 January 2016
- What is the forecast population trend for unmanaged rangeland goats?
- How can we better manage predation?
- What growth rates can you expect from young rangeland animals?
- What is happening in the market place?
Answers to these questions and more will be sought through the research that Australia’s goat industry is planning to conduct during the next five years, as proposed in the draft Goatmeat and Livestock Industry Strategic Plan 2015-2020. This plan is being developed by the Goat Industry Council of Australia (GICA) and MLA.
The purpose of the plan is to direct the investment of producers’ levies and to provide a roadmap for industry development by outlining a clear set of achievable goals. The draft plan is publically available, and is due for publication following the release of the Meat Industry Strategic Plan 4 (MISP4). MISP4 is the blueprint for investment for Australia’s red meat industry.
If you have any questions regarding the plan, please contact MLA’s Goat Industry Project Manager Julie Petty Ph: 07 3620 5225 or jpetty@mla.com.au