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The beach, the beef and the Reef - follow "Reidy's" journey

29 May 2015

Andrew "Reidy" Reid is usually seen on television screens rescuing swimmers on Bondi Rescue, but more recently he's been sharing the news of another "rescue" - that of the Great Barrier Reef.

And he’s helping share the good news with the community about what the Australian beef industry is doing to reduce its environmental footprint.

"Reidy" can now be seen in the Target 100 #GoodMeat YouTube series taking viewers on a journey to investigate what beef enterprises in Queensland's Fitzroy Basin are doing to minimise their impact on the Great Barrier Reef.

The first series of #GoodMeat features 12 videos hosted by three personalities who each explored a key topic that consumers perceive as an issue in the industry:

  • animal welfare in Australian feedlots
  • climate change from methane emissions
  • protecting the Great Barrier Reef from sediment run off

Each video has so far attracted between 10,500 and 25,600 views.

In video nine, "Reidy" meets with Grazing BMP producers and experts to discuss what Landcare practices are being implemented to reduce the amount of soil and sediment entering waterways and eventually the Great Barrier Reef.

In the next episode, he cooks up his go-to beef dish – "Reidy’s" Rissoles by the Reef whilst overlooking the Great Barrier Reef.

Each of the three #GoodMeat topics also feature a short animation clip which helps simplify and explain some of the facts, figures and research. For the Reef story, an animated "Reidy" explains how beef production hundreds of kilometres from the coast can have an impact on ocean health.

MLA's Community Engagement Manager Pip Band said the videos were created to engage with consumers about the good environmental practices of the Australian beef industry. Future series’ were being considered.

"It helps build on the foundations of Target 100 and tells the good news stories about Australian livestock production," she said.

Watch the #GoodMeat videos