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Rangelands producers to help set R&D priorities

21 April 2016

Red meat producers in the Western NSW Rangelands and South Australia’s North East are encouraged to attend a forum to help drive the future direction of levy-payer funded research, development and adoption (RD&A) programs.

The Broken Hill regional consultation forum will be held in conjunction with Agfair on Friday and Saturday, 6 and 7 May, hosted by the NSW Central West and Rangelands regional committee of the Southern Australia Meat Research Council (SAMRC).
The event is one of a series of Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) forums around Australia to consult directly with sheepmeat and grassfed beef producer levy payers about RD&A priorities for 2017/18, specific to each region.
The Goat Industry Council of Australia (GICA) is also collaborating with SAMRC at Agfair to gather goat producer RD&A needs.
Chair of the NSW Central West and Rangelands regional committee of SAMRC, Angus Whyte, Wyndham Station, Wentworth, said the forum will be an opportunity for sheep, cattle and goat producers to have direct input into where their levies should be directed.
“If we have strong input from producers early in setting R&D priorities, there’s a much higher probability of those outcomes being adopted on ground by producers,” Mr Whyte said.
“The forum is also about making sure producers are aware of all the R&D that is already being done and available to adopt on-farm.

As well as an opportunity for input into the future directions of RD&A priorities, producers will hear from a number of guest speakers on a variety of topics including condition scoring in sheep, tools to manage total grazing pressure and new research into labour saving technologies like drones.

The forum is the first NSW Central West and Rangelands SAMRC event to be held as part of MLA’s new regional consultation model for RD&A investment from levies.
SAMRC covers NSW, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania, as well as the sheep areas of south eastern Queensland, and its members include sheepmeat and grassfed beef producers, MLA, CSIRO, agricultural departments, universities and agencies such as Local Land Services.
SAMRC is supported by seven regional committees, each chaired by a local producer, which gather input from local producers and producer networks on local RD&A needs.
The forum at Agfair, Broken Hill is broken into three sessions - two on Friday, 6 May, and one session on Saturday morning, 7 May. Agfair visitors are welcome at the stand at any time across the two days.
Details about the new regional consultation framework, SAMRC and its members, GICA and how grassfed beef, sheepmeat and goatmeat producers can get involved are available at and