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Only current LPA NVDs accepted from November

04 September 2015

SAFEMEAT, the body responsible for safety and hygiene standards in Australia’s red meat industry has announced that from November 16 2015, producers will need to ensure they are using the most current version of the Livestock Production Assurance National Vendor Declaration (LPA NVD) form.

The decision has the approval of peak industry councils such as the Cattle Council of Australia and the Sheepmeat Council of Australia, and is in line with the expectations of international markets.

SAFEMEAT chair Ross Keane said he was confident that over two-thirds of Australia’s livestock producers are already using current LPA NVD forms but it’s important all producers are ready for the November phase-out.

“With 54% of lamb, 97% of sheepmeat, 70% of beef and 95% of goatmeat being exported, the decision was necessary to meet domestic and importing country requirements,” Mr Keane said.

“This decision means the small number of producers who are still using old forms will need to obtain the latest LPA NVD version to ensure our system consistently delivers what international customers require.”

LPA NVD’s are required for movements of all LPA accredited livestock (sheep, lambs, goats and cattle) including property to property, through saleyards, direct to processors, feedlots, and to the live export trade.

From November 16 2015 producers should only use LPA NVD’s labelled 0413, and for bobby calves forms labelled 0412.

Producers will receive an email or hard-copy letter outlining the changes and providing information on how to purchase a book of the current LPA NVDs if they are not using them.

Producers can order a new hard-copy LPA NVD booklet online, or purchase electronic NVDs, at