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MLA to install objective measurement across industry

10 November 2016

Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) has announced a revolutionary plan to install objective carcase measurement (OCM) technology across the red meat industry.

As a first step, MLA will create a platform to install stage one of the new OCM technology into all AUS-MEAT registered slaughter facilities in Australia.

The initiative paves the way for scientific measurement of saleable meat yield, future value based marketing and industry-wide productivity gains through processing automation, genetic improvement and data-based on-farm decision making.  Longer term, the plan is also expected to reduce the industry’s annual multi-million cost of grading.

Making the announcement today at MLA’s Annual General Meeting in Hahndorf, Managing Director Richard Norton said that universal adoption of the technology was the only way to capture the potential of the data it generates to benefit all of industry.

To do so, MLA would acquire a commercial loan on behalf of industry to finance the $150 million one off cost of installing Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) technology in up to 90 AUS-MEAT registered slaughter facilities, he said.

“The most important product of objective carcase measurement is the data it will generate – and MLA’s plan ensures that data will be available to all participants across the value chain,” Mr Norton said.

“We’re now at a stage where our smallstock DEXA technology is ready for commercial deployment, while for beef our DEXA research and development is nearing completion and ready for commercial installation trials in early 2017.

“Once the first stage of objective carcase measurement is installed, both systems will provide valuable information for the supply chain including saleable meat yield, bone and fat.

“The systems will become more and more valuable as ongoing research and development enhances the application of objective carcase measurement around all conceivable measures.”

Mr Norton said the ACCC’s interim report on its cattle and beef market study supported Cattle Council of Australia’s focus on how the competitiveness of Australian beef and cattle markets could be improved by the adoption of objective carcase measurement.

The universal adoption of the technology would also contribute to maintaining the Australian red meat industry’s ability to compete in global markets, he said.

“Australia is a high cost producer compared to some of our international competitors, so we need to constantly innovate and invest in productivity and efficiency improvements from the farm right through to the processor and ultimately to market,” Mr Norton said.

“MLA’s plan will drive a shift from the current subjective grading of lamb and beef to a new system of livestock production and marketing where producers can be transparently rewarded against objective data and value measurements.

“On farm, that will stimulate further advances in genetics and livestock production systems.

“Within the processing plant, the technology will reduce wastage and workforce injuries and boost productivity through the use of accurate, objective measurement and automation.”

Mr Norton said that in developing its plan, MLA had listened carefully to calls from the industry for more transparency in the process of grading carcases at abattoirs and, more recently, had noted the ACCC’s remarks around the integrity of the grading process.

“Under our plan, AUS-MEAT will be the whole-of-value-chain independent regulator.  AUS-MEAT will calibrate the system, conduct the audits and will also provide a complaints resolution process,” Mr Norton said.

“Ensuring that the data generated from objective carcase measurement is accessible and easy for producers to use will further enhance the integrity of the grading system and also forms the basis of MLA’s digital strategy.”

Mr Norton said MLA had sought and received in-principal support from the Deputy Prime Minister and Federal Minister for Agriculture for the introduction of objective measurement across industry, and would continue to consult the industry's peak councils about how to best structure the one-off cost of its introduction.

He likened the universal introduction of objective carcase measurement to other visionary initiatives such as the MSA eating quality system and the industry’s food safety and traceability systems, both of which continue to return hundreds of millions of dollars to producers decades after their implementation.

“Through collaboration and collective investment, this plan will generate value across the red meat industry today, tomorrow and through to beyond 2020,” Mr Norton said.