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Major meat processor adopts MLA carcase feedback system

29 May 2015

A new electronic carcase feedback system launched by Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) has the potential to save Australian red meat producers more than $100 million every year.

MLA’s Livestock Data Link (LDL) program links slaughter data from the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) and Meat Standards Australia (MSA) databases with analytical tools, benchmarking reports and the Solutions to Feedback library.

MLA Managing Director Richard Norton said the new system had the potential to transform the way producers can use carcase feedback from their abattoir after being commercially adopted by Australia’s biggest meat processor JBS Australia.

JBS Southern was one of the early adopters of LDL and will be the first supply chain to release the system to 2,300 suppliers under its Farm Assured producer group.

“MLA research identified that, each year, the Australian beef industry loses an estimated $51 million by producing cattle that do not meet market specifications, $64 million through carcase condemns and $12 million due to offal and meat condemnation,” Mr Norton said.

“LDL will allow producers to identify the sheep and cattle that didn’t meet market specifications more easily than ever before, how much that cost them in lower returns and benchmark the performance of their livestock against regional and national results.

“The LDL system highlights the reasons why an animal may have not met its specifications, and it provides a direct line of feedback to the producer, by linking to information on how to improve production methods to boost meat quality and livestock returns.

“We’re excited that JBS Australia has chosen to roll out the LDL system in their southern plants to its beef and lamb producer suppliers and we’ll continue to work with other supply chains to extend its application across the industry.”

For more information on the Livestock Data Link program please email