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Going into Goats guide gets going

17 February 2016

To ensure Australian goat producers continue to have access to the latest research and development outcomes and information regarding goat production and marketing, MLA and GICA have commissioned a comprehensive review of MLA’s Nutrition and Depot Management modules within the Going into Goats: Profitable producers best practice guide. This reseach priority was escalated following producer consultation across the country.

The last review of the Nutrition module occurred more than 10 years ago and much has changed since then.

The updated content will focus on assisting producers with herd management and will consider relevant research outcomes from the past 10 years. Topics of particular relevance include:

  • winter stasis
  • supplementary feeding options
  • depot nutrition and operation
  • condition scores

Further research will be commissioned to address gaps identified in the existing research and issues identified through a process of producer consultation scheduled to commence in April 2016.

Further information

Julian Hill

Ternes Agricultural Consulting Pty Ltd

P: 0478 807 891