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Get your hands dirty while learning about lucerne

07 August 2015

The king of fodder, lucerne, is high in protein, calcium and vitamin A and is a bonus to grazing or hay-making enterprises.

Producers wanting to know more about the best varietal choices and how to grow it successfully can attend the MLA-funded Pasture Update, on Wednesday 19 August 2015, at Howlong, outside of Albury near the Victoria/NSW border.

Speakers including MLA’s Sustainable Feedbase Resources Program Manager Cameron Allan, Professor Derrick Moot of New Zealand’s Lincoln University, Ross Palmer of Heritage Seeds and Dr Bruce Allworth of Charles Sturt University will talk about the latest research and nutritional benefits of lucerne, while agronomist Tim Paramore will tackle getting the sowing basics right, including paddock preparation and offer a practical machinery demonstration.

“We’re hoping to have something for everyone,” Tim said.

“For experienced lucerne growers there’s the latest varietal choices, herbicide developments and companion planting.

“For those just starting out we go right back to the basics of how to calibrate that old Connor Shea (combine) and move forwards to more modern machines, discussing points, sowing depth and rates.”

Participants will have the opportunity to mix theory and practice, comparing different drills and sowing technology including Connor Shea, Duncan, Taege and Agrodrill.

The Pasture Update will be held from 9am to 2.30pm at ‘Shrublands’, Heritage Seeds, Riverina Highway, Howlong and costs $25 for Grassland Society of Southern Australia and MLA members and $30 for non-members. Lunch and morning tea provided.

To register T: 1300 137 550 E: by Friday 14 August.