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Find out fast: what’s driving demand?

21 May 2015

Beef producers seeking a better understanding of what’s driving demand in the domestic and major export markets can now access market insights in a brief, easy-to-read format.

MLA’s Market Snapshot series was launched at Beef Australia 2015 and so far covers nine key beef markets: Australia, US, China, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, South Asia, Middle East and the EU.

MLA’s Global Insights Manager Samantha Jamieson said the snapshots grew out of feedback received at producer forums, which revealed that while MLA was producing a lot of detailed analysis on specific markets, producers were seeking more of an “overview” of the core markets.

“The Market Insights team responded by producing user-friendly snapshots which contain both standard market information, such as trade volumes and values, as well as deeper analysis of consumer trends, consumption trends, sector growth trends, competitors and market access issues in each market,” Samantha said.

To keep the snapshots accessible for time-poor producers, the information is presented in a brief, bullet-point style, making it easy to scan the key points.

“We hope these market insights will enable producers to be more informed when having conversations with their supply chain partners and also help them make more informed on-farm decisions that contribute towards their profitability,” Samantha said.

“We expect the snapshots will be particularly useful for beef producers with their own brands, helping them better target their customers and refine their brand marketing strategies.”

As well as the Market Snapshots for key beef markets, the Market Insights team has produced a snapshot for major export supplier India, with another on Brazil to come. A snapshot series examining core sheep markets is also planned.

Samantha said the snapshots were “living documents” and would be revised and updated as market information changes, at a minimum of once a year.


Access the Market Snapshots
Samantha Jamieson
T: 02 9463 9312