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Doing business better

05 August 2016

Better Beef Business workshops, as part of the MLA Donor Company-supported Northern Beef Business Mentoring Program, have started in southern Queensland, with a good response from participants at a recent event held at Durong, Queensland.

The Program’s focus is to take beef business owners to the “next level” of business thinking, skills and profitability.

Producer Philip Coe said: “The workshop was very informative. Gordon and Mark’s presentation was very knowledgeable and made me sit back and think of some strategic areas of our business that could do with some improvement. The day definitely set out some positive strategies we can use to make our business more profitable.”

Business not production

The main focus of the Program is on improving “business” as opposed to improving production – though production will be discussed. It is designed to complement and build on other programs such as Grazing BMP, the EDGE programs, by digging down into the detail around business strategy and management.

It addresses topics such as:

  • How to factor changing climate conditions – into structured long-term business plans
  • Increasing income and profit – by reviewing current and potential markets (including those outside of participant’s current thinking) and engaging key customers
  • Better managing people – including workers, contractors and improving family dynamics
  • How to create a high performing business – suitable for sale or for attracting an investor
  • Managing business change over time – particularly if business control is changing hands.

The Program is also based around sharing ideas and experiences with like-minded producers, through discussion based events.  The specialist presenters have a role in both facilitating these structured discussions, and delivering business information.

“I have attended many workshops that have not made an impact on me. However, due to the free-flowing conversations and opinions, this one has given me some confidence in where we should be focusing in regards to our beef enterprise," workshop participant Jeff Seiler said.

How it works

The Program is a combination of one day workshops and longer-term mentoring by business change mentors.

The workshops allow participants to undertake a stocktake of where their business is now, and work out what needs to be changed or fine-tuned.

The mentoring provides support and guidance through the business change process – based on the understanding that the hardest part is not working out what needs to change – the hardest part is following through and making the changes happen. The mentors work with businesses to guide them through the business redesign or refinement process and help them stay accountable to their desired results.

Producers can also stay up to date with market updates and business tips via webinars, email updates and teleconferences.

How to get involved

Workshops will be run across southern Queensland in the remainder of 2016, and move to other regions of Queensland in 2017.

More information: or contact Gordon Stone E: or T: (07) 4615 2255.