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Did ‘You’re Better on Beef’ deliver?

10 July 2015

With consumers listing ‘price’ and ‘nutrition’ as the main reasons they are eating less beef, MLA's marketing team has been addressing the decline in per capita consumption.

"To win back share from chicken and other proteins we need to give Australians permission to eat more beef," said Andrew Howie, MLA's Marketing Manager Consumer Programs said.

“We have set out to do that by reminding them of beef’s superior nutritional make-up.”

In March, the ‘You're Better on Beef’ campaign was launched underpinned by the message that consumers will feel better when powered by nutrient rich beef.

It was targeted at mums and surveys during and following the campaign found that as a result of seeing the campaign 54% of the target audience felt they were "more likely to eat beef" versus the benchmark of 42%.

"Over time, we expect this result to translate into an increase in per capita beef consumption," Andrew said.

Although only a small sample period, early results indicate this to be the case, with an increase in per week consumption amongst the target audience (mums) to 1.72 serves, up 0.17.

"These are the results from the first four months of a two year campaign and we expect, with further development of the “You're Better on Beef” message, for these figures to remain positive," Andrew said.

What's next?

A new video series, ‘Dinner 3 Ways’, has been launched by MLA.

Hosted by Australian cook, Hayden Quinn, Dinner 3 Ways works to create healthy beef and lamb meals in partnership with six highly visible Australians, each of whom represent specific target audiences for MLA.   

Across 18 episodes, Hayden and his guests will take six key cuts of beef and lamb and bring audiences three exciting recipes for each, designed to ignite inspiration in the kitchen whilst also guiding audiences with cooking tips and solutions.

Featured alongside Quinn in the new series is Australian media icon Ita Buttrose, TV personality Adam Liaw, Olympic superstar Eamon Sullivan, racing royalty Kate Waterhouse, comedian Em Rusciano and social media sensation Caitlyn Paterson.

"Our objective is to break down key barriers to consumption ensuring beef and lamb meals are viewed well in regards to our key measures of taste, value, nutrition and versatility," Andrew said.

In a further drive to ensure relevance to the audience, the series features a ‘follow your own journey’ construct, allowing the audience to pick and choose which recipe from three to watch following a brief introduction from Hayden about what they will be cooking.

You can view the new Dinner 3 Ways series hosted by Hayden Quinn head via Facebook  and YouTube