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Dial in for drenching strategies

02 October 2015

Drenching strategies can save time, money and increase productivity. Strategic drenching during an MLA-sponsored Mackinnon project in south-east Victoria measured weight gains of 14-26kg in weaner cattle (depending on season and pasture availability).

Producers can tap into this knowledge via a BetterBeef phone seminar/webinar - in collaboration with the MLA-funded More Beef from Pastures program - on Thursday 8 October.

Veterinarians Dr Dianne Phillips and Dr Alison Gunn will take producers through topics such as parasite life cycles, liver fluke in cattle, how to do a worm egg count, measuring drench resistance, using combination drenches and drenching in failed seasonal conditions

As Senior Veterinary Officer with the Victorian Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources, Dr Phillips is responsible for disease surveillance, animal welfare and emergency response in the Gippsland.

She said the core principles of biosecurity apply to all livestock pests and diseases, regardless of whether they are exotic, emerging or endemic.

“Effective disease prevention and management relies on on-farm measures such as monitoring strategies, quarantining new animals, getting information from the vendor and being prepared,” Dr Phillips said.

“During the seminar, we will take producers through the risks of introducing parasites and how to practically implement strategies such as effective quarantining and quarantine drenching.”

Drench resistance is an increasing issue on-farm and Dr Phillips said effective induction of new cattle is important to not only reduce introduction of parasites, but importantly limit the spread of drench resistance.

“Livestock drenching tends to be a routine rather than targeted practice, but habitual use of chemicals on-farm has led to increased levels of drench resistance in beef herds,” she said.

“I’ll guide producers through strategies for smarter, more effective drenching, such as when to measure, how to use measurement tools to detect parasites and drench resistance in their herd, and how to measure drench efficacy.

“By customising drenching programs to maximise benefits, producers can achieve cost savings from reduced drenching, more effective drenching and increased productivity.

“Strategic drenching during an MLA-sponsored Mackinnon project in south east Victoria measured weight gains of 14-26kg in weaner cattle (depending on season and pasture availability).”

Dr Phillips said her top tips for producers are:

  • only drench when you need to
  • invest in a drench resistance test to quantify the extent of resistance
  • have an effective quarantine practice for introduced livestock

Phone seminar/webinar details

Date: Thursday, 8 October 2015, 8-9pm (Victorian EDST)

Cost: Free from landline (standard call rates apply from mobile and pay phones)

Registration: To participate, call 02 6030 460 or register online at

More information:

More Beef from Pastures

BetterBeef network

The Cattle Parasite Atlas