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Wyndham Field Day

21 Apr 2023 | 09:00 AM
6 hours
The field day is about demonstrating various options and tools that will improve livestock businesses in our rangeland environment, the practical demonstrations will be at our yards.
Program for the day:
- Emma Turner (Elders Mildura)– ebale, Wool Clip, LTEM and Towards 90
- Dr Sue Hatcher (Makin Outcomes) – Weaning more lambs, what to do with preg scanning results, BCS
- Tanisha Shields (Agista)– Weaner nutrition and tactical decision making
- Mary Goodacre/Jonathon Medway (CSU Southern Innovation Hub) – drench/vaccine gun that scans EID, Australian Feedbase Monitor
- LLS Vet - explaining benefits of pain relief at marking and the options
- Integrity Systems – eNVD new app, My MLA,
- James Kerr (Paroo Pastoral) – Talking about Buckleboo Stn management strategies, CERES tags, weather forecasting.
Registration details
RSVP to Gus Whyte
Willow Point Station, 3444 Old Broken Hill Rd Anabranch South NSW
Register for event