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Resilient Breeders Field Day

16 Jun 2023 | 08:00 AM
7 hours
One ticket $100
Two Tickets $180
Three Tickets $260
Four Tickets $340
Two Tickets $180
Three Tickets $260
Four Tickets $340
Drive your system through better genetics, feed base and management decisions.
This Sheep Field Day hosted by Karbullah Poll Merino Stud aims to give local sheep producers and industry consultants the opportunity to hear from engaging industry experts, including Jason Trompf (Bred Well, Fed Well) speaking on breeding resilience, Justin Kirkby of Amarula Dorpers speaking on our regenerative journey, MLA's Chloe Bunter speaking on ASBVs.
This event will target commercial sheep meat and wool producers to increase the productivity, sustainability and profitability of their business, and provide producers with an informative event, networking opportunity and access to resources.
Billa Billa, Queensland
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