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Protein Conference 2023

Grain-fed Cattle
Grass-fed Cattle
22 Mar 2023 | 08:30 AM
1 day
Member price: $130
Non-member price: $160

The Protein 2023 Conference brings together all of the four industries of beef, pork, poultry and dairy with the view to share best practice, advocate for common policy change and allow collaboration across the sectors.

This conference, in its fifth year, is a must-attend event for all industry participants.

The full day conference will include 6 sessions to discuss:

  • The Future of Australia’s Bio Security
  • Demystifying Carbon Markets and Net zero
  • Sustainable Food Supply Chains
  • R&D to improve Animal Health & Welfare
  • Feedlot Shade structures to improve productivity
  • New Energy solutions driving change

Venue: Dalby Events Centre

Dalby, Queensland 
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